The 11 Best Songs by All Time Low

blog / May 23rd, 2021

Daylight Savings Time should be year-round, do people hate the sun?

Here are the 11 best songs by All Time Low:

  1. Cinderblock Garden - Future Hearts

  2. Coffee Shop Soundtrack - Put Up or Shut Up

  3. Safe - Wake Up, Sunshine

  4. Glitter & Crimson - Wake Up, Sunshine

  5. Damned If I Do (Damned If I Don't) - It's Still Nothing Personal

  6. Melancholy Kaleidoscope - Wake Up, Sunshine

  7. Clumsy - Wake Up, Sunshine

  8. Dirty Laundry - Last Young Renegade

  9. Jasey Rae - Put Up or Shut Up

  10. Dark Side of Your Room - Last Young Renegade

  11. Paint You Wings - Don't Panic