
latest posts

  1. The 11 Best Songs by The Killers of the 2000s

    Completely lost track of days of the week. Today is Friday? wat

    July 2nd, 2021

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  2. 2021 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Stanley Cup Final Predictions

    Is being a '90s kid old now?

    June 28th, 2021

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  3. 2021 NBA Playoffs: Conference Final Predictions

    PSA: Wear a sun hat!

    June 20th, 2021

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  4. The 11 Best Songs by Allie X

    My lists are meaningless, because my mind changes all the time.

    June 16th, 2021

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  5. 2021 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Third Round Predictions

    I love watching shows with the subtitles on! I can't hear anything!

    June 12th, 2021

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  6. The 11 Best Songs by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Pasta is so good.

    June 9th, 2021

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  7. 2021 NBA Playoffs: Second Round Predictions

    PSA: Stretch lots!

    June 6th, 2021

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  8. 2021 Stanley Cup Playoffs: Second Round Predictions

    PSA: Drink more water.

    May 28th, 2021

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  9. The 11 Best Songs by All Time Low

    Daylight Savings Time should be year-round, do people hate the sun?

    May 23rd, 2021

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  10. 2021 NBA Playoffs: First Round Predictions

    It's so nice outside.

    May 21st, 2021

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  11. 2021 Stanley Cup Playoffs: First Round Predictions

    I hope I'm half as good at predicting these things as Maggie the Monkey was.

    May 13th, 2021

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  12. The 11 Best Songs by Death Cab for Cutie

    Those colorful hats that have the tiny propeller on top are so cool.

    May 10th, 2021

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  13. The 11 Best Songs by Taylor Swift

    Favourite emojis right now: 😂 😅 🙃 🤪

    May 8th, 2021

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  14. The 11 Best Songs by The Strokes

    Twizzlers are gross.

    May 7th, 2021

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  15. The 21 Best Songs by Ellie Goulding

    I just finished watching Schitt's Creek. And now I have no idea what to do with my life.

    April 28th, 2021

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  16. Encountering Errors in Programming: Tips

    As a newbie to programming, here are some basic tips I've learned on what to do if I get stuck, or have encountered an error.

    April 21st, 2021

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  17. The 31 Best Songs by State Champs

    Recurring dreams I keep having about school:

    • Failing high school classes

    • Always being 2 years away from graduating University and never getting any closer to doing so

    • Not showing up to a class for the whole semester, then showing up for the final exam knowing I'll fail

    April 14th, 2021

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  18. 41 Great SpongeBob Moments

    Zooming in close on a picture of someone's face will never not be funny.

    April 7th, 2021

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  19. Interesting Websites I Discovered in Quarantine

    A cool thing about staying at home has been all of the interesting websites that I've discovered. Here are a few of them.

    March 23rd, 2021

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  20. Recipe: Eye-of-Round Roast Beef and Mushrooms

    Need a quick and easy meal to make? You can never go wrong with beef and mushrooms!

    March 20th, 2021

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  21. The 51 Best Songs by The Maine (and 5 Best Cover Songs)

    You definitely know you're bored when you starting ranking an artist's songs. Might as well put it all on paper and make it a blog post!

    March 19th, 2021

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  22. My First Blog Post!

    Welcome to my portfolio site!

    March 18th, 2021

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