Airbnb Price Prediction

project / March 6th, 2024

Airbnb Price Prediction - Title Image



This is a final project for the course ENSF 612 (Big Data Analytics), in which teams are given the freedom to choose a topic to investigate using big data concepts, built with teammates JC Pretorius and Kunj Patel from September 2023 to December 2023.

For this project, we chose to explore the following topic: To predict the prices of Airbnb locations in London, after performing sentiment analysis on customer reviews and using the predicted sentiments as a feature.

The problem we want to solve revolves around hosts facing challenges in competitively pricing their Airbnb properties. More specifically, the business question we want to answer is: “How does the sentiment of customer reviews affect the rental value of Airbnb locations in London?”.  The output variable to be predicted is the price of an Airbnb listing after including review sentiment as a feature.

Given the high profitability of Airbnb rentals, the growing number of hosts entering the market intensifies competition. Looking to gain a competitive advantage, hosts seek a tool that can assist them in making informed decisions and reduce uncertainty when determining the rental pricing for their properties.

Our idea is that reviews submitted by previous guests play an important role in pricing the rental value of a property. These reviews capture information about the quality of the property, the communication and responsiveness of the host, and the overall guest experience. By analyzing the sentiment expressed in these reviews, we aim to extract insights into a guest’s perception of a property, creating an additional listing feature that can establish a direct link to the rental value of an Airbnb listing.

To address this challenge, we plan to leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze the large volume of data available. Through this analysis, we aim to provide hosts with accurate predictions of Airbnb prices by considering the sentiment from reviews and other relevant external factors. A predictive tool can allow hosts to set competitive prices in the rental market and assist guests in finding the best value for their money when booking through Airbnb.


Sentiment analysis is the process of classifying positive or negative sentiment in text. It is useful to businesses, as it assists in enabling them to understand the opinions and behaviors of customers. By analyzing the sentiment behind reviews or even social media conversations, a business will be able to make quicker and accurate decisions that are less uncertain.

Airbnb is a competitive alternative to hotels for customers seeking short-term accommodation. Hosts on Airbnb face tremendous competition as they try to attract new customers and optimize their earnings, while customers are seeking the best deals. Our objective and motivation behind this project is to create a price prediction model that will provide beneficial pricing insights that will reduce the uncertainty of decision-making and pricing a rental property for Airbnb owners and guests.

Through this project, our hope was to effectively apply the concepts we learned in class to create a solution that is scalable to big data, after using small data to develop, test, and demo our solutions.

Concepts and Tools Used

  • Python

  • PySpark

  • Google Colab

  • Big Data Analytics

  • Sentiment Analysis

  • Machine Learning (Regression and Classification)

  • Matplotlib


Part I: Sentiment Analysis on Reviews

Data Collection

The main source of data for this study was the publicly available Airbnb dataset for London, United Kingdom, obtained from Inside Airbnb, which is an independent project that provides data and advocacy about the impact of Airbnb on residential communities. As London is the most visited city in Europe, this dataset encompasses diverse information on Airbnb listings in the area, providing details about the listings, reviews, and pricing information. However, it's worth noting that this dataset lacked labeled sentiment data. Consequently, the sentiment of the reviews had to be manually labeled to integrate this essential information into our models.

Data Inspection and Validation

The reviews CSV file is very large, containing over one million records. In order to save time and computational resources, a smaller subset of the data was selected for processing. First, a random sample containing approximately 10% of the full DataFrame was extracted.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Random Sample Subset

This subset was inspected for missing values and duplicate rows. For the columns that are of interest to us as potential features for modeling (listing_id, id (which refers to the reviewer ID), and comments), there were no missing values and therefore there was no need to perform imputation or removal of columns.

Data Filtering

Next, any non-English reviews are filtered out using the langdetect library. Special characters and HTML tags are also removed so that the data is prepared for labeling. A 10,000 row subset is extracted from this sample for future use in our price prediction model. An additional 1000 rows were also extracted for manual labeling. The choice was made to take 20 reviews from each of the 500 listings. This would enable us to derive an average sentiment score for each listing as a feature in the price prediction model, after the sentiment analysis model has made the label predictions.

Following this, we filtered out all of the HTML tags and some punctuation like commas and newline characters, so that the data could be successfully imported into Label Studio for manual labeling. We did not remove punctuation such as periods and exclamation marks, since they are useful for separating sentences and maintaining the context of the text. Some sentence embedding transformers rely on these characters, including the Universal Sentence Encoder (USE) which takes raw text data. 

Exploratory Data Analysis

Manual Labeling

Although a random subset of 1000 reviews was exported for manual labeling, the team decided to only label 500 of these reviews due to time constraints. Each of these 500 reviews were given a label for the overall sentiment out of three possible categories: positive, negative, or neutral. After labeling was completed, it was discovered that the London Airbnb dataset is heavily unbalanced, as there are very few negative reviews. Only 0.8% of the labeled reviews were negative and 6.4% were neutral.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Sentiment Distribution Chart of Manually Labelled Set

Some preliminary modeling with this dataset yielded unsatisfactory results, so the team looked at the reviews dataset again to find more negative reviews. The second labeled set had 16% negative labels and 18% neutral labels, and it was this set that was eventually used to train and evaluate the sentiment analysis models.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Sentiment Distribution of Second Manually Labeled Set

Data Transformations

Throughout the sentiment analysis model building process, numerous data transformations were applied. Here, we will list and explain them.

Model 1: Pretrained Pipeline Trained with IMDB Reviews
  • The “comments” column in our labeled reviews DataFrame was renamed to “text”, to ensure it could be used in the Spark NLP PretrainedPipeline model.

  • The manual labels and predicted labels of the reviews DataFrame after predictions were made were mapped into numeric values and separate columns, in order to evaluate model accuracy.

Model 2: Custom-built Pipeline with SentimentDLApproach

The second model we attempted during the model building step was the Spark NLP SentimentDLApproach, which was also used in our own pre-processing pipeline. SentimentDLApproach is an annotator that is used to train a deep learning model for multi-class sentiment analysis. Before training the model, the labeled dataset is loaded, converted into a DataFrame, and split into train and test sets. 

Airbnb Price Prediction - Train Test Split

Next, a PySpark pipeline was created with several stages to preprocess and finally model the text data:

Airbnb Price Prediction - Preprocessing and SentimentDLApproach Model Pipeline
  1. Document Assembly: converts raw text data into a format that is suitable for further processing by Spark NLP.

  2. Tokenization: breaks down the document into individual tokens, which in this case is words.

  3. Normalization: cleans the tokens from any dirty characters and converts them into a standardized form with transformations such as lowercasing.

  4. Stop word cleaning: removes common stop words so that we only have the semantically relevant words.

  5. Lemmatization: uses the pre-trained lemmatized “lemma_antbnc”, which converts the tokens into their base form. (eg. “cars” -> “car”)

  6. BERT word embeddings: uses the pre-trained BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) embeddings “bert_base_uncased” to generate contextual dense vector word representations.

  7. Sentence embeddings: computes the sentence embeddings using an average pooling strategy on the BERT word embeddings in the sentence

  8. SentimentDLApproach: the deep learning model for sentiment analysis that will be trained

Additionally, the neutral sentiment labels are filtered out from the dataset because SentimentDLApproach is primarily designed for binary sentiment classification (either positive or negative). An exception is generated otherwise.

In addition to these steps, this model will also use the transformations listed in model 1.

Model 3A/3B/3C/3D: Random Forest Classifier, Naive Bayes, and Logistic Regression Models
  • In these four models, a function custom preprocess_text is created and used to preprocess text for a review by tokenizing it, filtering out stopwords, removing non-alphabetic words and punctuation marks, correct misspelled words, and stemming each word to create a new array of words.

  • HashingTF is used to convert the array of processed text words to a features array. The DataFrame is subsequently split into training and testing splits.

  • Additionally, the transformations mentioned in Model 1 are also used.

Model Building and Results: Sentiment Analysis

Before deciding on a model to predict sentiment labels on the subset of 10000 reviews, we evaluate the performance of six different models on a Google Colab environment (which has the PySpark and Spark NLP packages installed) and choose the best one. Because computational resources are limited in this environment, separate notebooks are created for each model and will be submitted as part of the final deliverable.

Model 1: PretrainedPipeline

The first model features the PretrainedPipeline from Spark NLP for sentiment analysis. The dataset containing 500 labeled Airbnb reviews is loaded and inspected for data quality, revealing insights into the distribution of sentiment classes. The sentiment analysis is performed using a pre-trained model that has been trained on IMDB reviews and uses the Universal Sentence Encoder embeddings.

The model tends to predict reviews as either positive or negative, with minimal neutral predictions. The overall prediction accuracy on the dataset is 77.60%. Although a higher accuracy would have been preferable, it is still quite reasonable - especially considering that this is a pre-trained model designed for a different domain (IMDB movie reviews). The overall F1 Score of 0.70 also falls in line with what is generally considered a good F1 score.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 1 Metrics

The confusion matrix below demonstrates that this model performed quite well for predicting Negative and Positive classes, as shown with the high precision and recall scores. All predicted Negative reviews were actually negative, and all predicted positive reviews were actually positive. Of all actual negative reviews, 77.5% were correctly predicted as negative and 98.8% of all actual positive reviews were correctly predicted as positive. However, the model performs poorly for the Neutral class as it fails to predict any Neutral reviews correctly, resulting in a precision, recall, and F1 score of 0. 

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 1 Metrics Part 2Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 1 Confusion Matrix
Model 2: Custom-built Pipeline with SentimentDLApproach

The second model demonstrates the construction and evaluation of a sentiment analysis model using a custom-built pipeline with the SentimentDLApproach annotator from Spark NLP. The dataset consisting of 500 labeled Airbnb reviews is loaded and preprocessed. The neutral sentiment labels are filtered out from the dataset because SentimentDLApproach is primarily designed for binary sentiment classification (either positive or negative). The sentiment analysis pipeline incorporates various NLP components, including tokenization, normalization, stop words removal, lemmatization, and the use of pre-trained BERT embeddings.

The model is trained using the filtered training dataset, and predictions are made on the test dataset, resulting in a test accuracy of 87.87%. Although this test accuracy is considerably higher than the test accuracy of 78.14% in the Pretrained Pipeline, the evaluation process reveals a significant concern regarding the model's behavior, as it predicted all samples, including negative ones, as positive. 

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 2 Metrics

The F1 score, a metric suitable for evaluating the performance of a model when there is an imbalanced dataset, is calculated to be 0.82. A general rule of thumb is that an F1 score of 0.7 or higher is generally an indicator of good overall model performance. However, it is still concerning that no negative labels were predicted at all in our dataset, and we must consider the consequences of misclassification in this case - a negative review being labeled as positive is not ideal if we want to use predicted sentiment as a feature for our price prediction model later on. Misclassifying negative reviews as positive underscores the importance of thorough model evaluation and highlights the need for further investigation, refinement, and exploration of more models to ensure robust performance across all sentiment classes.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 2 Metrics Part 2Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 2 Confusion Matrix

This confusion matrix indicates that among all the predicted positive instances, 87.9% were actually positive. The model correctly identified all the actual positive instances, indicating that every positive instance was predicted correctly. No true negatives were predicted among the total or actual negatives.

Next, we will explore the effectiveness of classification models learned in 612.

Model 3A: Random Forest Classifier

The model third building process involved using a regular Random Forest Classifier for sentiment analysis on a dataset of 500 labeled reviews. After loading the labeled review data as a DataFrame, the preprocessing steps included tokenization, removal of stopwords, spell checking, and stemming. The sentiment labels were converted into a numeric format for model training. The dataset was split into training and testing sets, and a HashingTF object was applied to transform the processed text into a numerical features array. The RandomForestClassifier was trained on the training dataset, and predictions were made on the test dataset.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3A Result 1

However, the results of the regular Random Forest Classifier were poor. The accuracy was 17.78% (far lower than models 1 and 2), and the F1 score, a metric that accounts for both precision and recall, was 0.05. The F1 score suggests the poor model performance potentially stems from imbalanced or insufficient data, as the dataset had a significantly higher number of positive labels compared to neutral or negative ones.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3A Result 2Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3A Confusion Matrix

The confusion matrix revealed that the model failed to make correct predictions for both negative and positive classes, while having a high recall but low precision for the neutral class. 

The results of this model brought up the following question: what if we used a Weighted Random Forest Classification to increase the weights of the less frequently appearing classes in our dataset?

Model 3B: Weighted Random Forest Classifier

The fourth model uses a Weighted Random Forest Classifier for sentiment analysis on a dataset of 500 labeled reviews, to see if there is any improvement from the regular Random Forest model in model 3A. Like the regular Random Forest Classifier, preprocessing steps were applied to the review data, including tokenization, removal of stopwords, spell checking, and stemming. The sentiment labels were converted into numeric format for model training. The dataset was then split into training and testing sets, and a HashingTF object was utilized to transform the processed text into an array of numerical features.

The Weighted Random Forest Classifier was employed to address the imbalanced nature of the dataset by assigning higher weights to less frequent classes, which would be negative and neural sentiments for our dataset. This was done by dividing total number of reviews (500) by the product of the number of classes (3) and the number of positive, negative, or neutral labels, giving us a positive weight, negative weight, neutral weight that can be added as a new feature to each row in the DataFrame depending on their manual label.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3B Result 1

After training this new Random Forest model and predictions were made on the test dataset, the weighted random forest classification model showed a slightly improved performance at 21.19 % compared to the 17.78% accuracy from the regular random forest classification model, and a slightly improved F1 score of 0.07 compared to the 0.05 of the regular random forest model. However, the results are still quite poor overall.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3B Result 2Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3B Confusion Matrix

Once again, the confusion matrix revealed that the model failed to make correct predictions for both negative and positive classes, while having a high recall but low precision for the neutral class. The neutral class having a low precision score of 0.212 is indicative of having more false positives compared to true positives. The high recall score of 1 for the neutral class indicates that when the actual class is neutral, the model correctly identifies most of them.

Model 3C: Naive Bayes Classifier

The fifth implementation was of the Naive Bayes classification model, the process starts with data preprocessing and exploration, similar to the previous models. The labeled reviews dataset is loaded and the distribution of sentiment classes is visualized through bar and pie charts. Text preprocessing involves tokenization, removal of stopwords, punctuation, non-alphabetic words, and stemming. The PySpark ML Naive Bayes classifier is then trained on the processed data using a Multinomial model type, which is suitable for classification with discrete features. The model is evaluated on the test dataset, and performance metrics like accuracy and F1 score, are calculated. Finally, a confusion matrix is presented, detailing the precision and recall for each sentiment class.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3C Result 1

The results indicate that the Naive Bayes model achieved an accuracy of 19.87% and an F1 score of 0.065. These metrics fall in between the performance of the weighted random forest model (21.19% accuracy, F1 score: 0.074) and the regular random forest model (17.78% accuracy, F1 score: 0.05).

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3C Result 2Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3C Confusion Matrix

The confusion matrix also speaks to the poor performance of the model, as the precision and recall scores of 0 for the negative and positive classes indicate that the model didn't make any correct predictions for both the negative and positive classes.. The neutral class having a low precision score of 0.199 is indicative of having more false positives compared to true positives. The high recall score of 1 for the neutral class indicates that when the actual class is neutral, the model correctly identifies most of them. Overall, the Naive Bayes model exhibits poor performance, aligning with the trends observed in the previous models.

Model 3D: Logistic Regression Classifier

Finally, we will look at the logistic regression model, before deciding which model to use for predicting our sentiments before creating our price prediction model.

The sixth implementation was a Logistic Regression classification model for sentiment analysis. The sentiment labels are converted into a numerical format, and text preprocessing is performed to prepare the text for sentiment analysis. The dataset was then split into training and testing sets, and a HashingTF object was utilized to transform the processed text into an array of numerical features.  The model is trained using Logistic Regression with the memory-efficient LBFGS (Limited-memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno) optimization algorithm which is popular for parameter estimation in machine learning, and predictions are made on the test dataset. 

The performance is then evaluated using metrics such as accuracy and F1 score, and a confusion matrix is generated to assess precision and recall for each sentiment class. 

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3D Result 1

The Logistic Regression model exhibits an accuracy of 21.97%, which is marginally better than the performance of the regular (17.78%) and weighted (21.19%) Random Forest and Naive Bayes (19.87%) models. The F1 score of 0.079 is also the best value compared to the Random Forest models and Naive Bayes model. However, these metrics for this model are only slightly better than those of the other models, and do not demonstrate any significant improvement.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3D Result 2Airbnb Price Prediction - Model 3D Confusion Matrix

The confusion matrix further reveals challenges, with precision and recall scores of 0 for negative and positive classes, suggesting that the model struggles to make correct predictions for these sentiments. While the neutral class shows a higher precision, it still suffers from a large number of false positives compared to true positives. Although the results for Logistic Regression show slight improvement compared to the previous three models, the results are still quite poor and fall in line with their performance and remain unusable for sentiment classification.

Sentiment Analysis Model Results
Sentiment Analysis Model Results

With the Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Logistic Regression models, these are simpler models compared to the deep learning models that leverage pre-trained language models for learning contexts in words and sentences. It is not surprising that the last four models performed poorly compared to the first two.

The decision is ultimately made to use a pre-trained Spark NLP pipeline from Model 1 for sentiment prediction, as it demonstrates better accuracy and the least amount of issues. The choice is driven by the pretrained model's 77.60% accuracy and F1 score of 0.70, while also demonstrating that it is also capable of predicting negative and neutral labels.

We chose not to use the custom pipeline with the SentimentDLApproach model because although the accuracy and F1 scores are good, it does not predict any negative reviews.

Part II: Listing Price Prediction

For the listings price prediction part of this project, we will introduce a second dataset from Inside Airbnb that has information about all of the Airbnb listings in London, where we want to add the average predicted sentiment as a feature after applying the pre-trained pipeline model to our dataset of 10000 reviews.

Data Inspection and Validation

The listings data and the subset of ~10,000 selected reviews we extracted earlier are loaded and the two DatafFames are inspected for their number of records and missing values. There are 87,946 Airbnb listings in London and we selected 9,998 reviews. Out of the 75 columns in the listings dataset, many of them have a large number of missing values, and after careful examination and application of our domain knowledge, we selected what we considered the most important features for predicting prices. Below are the listings features to be used for the price prediction model.

The features that were selected are the neighborhood name, room type, number of beds, days of availability in a year, and number of reviews. There were features which could potentially have been useful such as the number of bedrooms and the number of bathrooms, but the majority of the records have missing values for these features. The beds column had 1134 missing values. To fix this, we applied an imputer to replace them with the median value in that column.

Data Filtering

In order to use the predicted sentiment as a feature in our price prediction models, these labels need to be first converted into a numeric representation. The labels are mapped to values where -1 is negative, 0 is neutral, and 1 is positive. Next, by grouping the reviews by listing_id and aggregating the numeric representation of sentiment, we can compute the mean sentiment for each listing.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Listing Features

This DataFrame is then combined with the listings DataFrame using an inner join on the listing id. After renaming some columns to make the names more intuitive, removing the dollar signs from the price, and selecting the desired features, we now have the basic features that will be used for the price prediction model.

Data Transformations

Before we can use this data in our models, we need to transform the categorical features into numeric features. The one-hot encoder is suitable for this purpose, as it converts the categories into a binary representation after the application of a string indexer. 

Some models such as linear regression can benefit from scaling the numeric features, so that all features contribute equally to the model’s learning process. The Standard scaler is applied to the numeric features, which transforms the data such that it has a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

A vector assembler is used to combine all of the numeric features into a single vector column, and then a final vector assembler stage combines all of the numeric and encoded features into a single vector feature. All of these pre-processing steps are combined into a PySpark pipeline. This pipeline then gets fit on our training data, and then it is used to transform both the training and testing data sets. Below is the combined DataFrame of the training set after pipeline transformations have been applied. This is the data that will be used to train our various regression models.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Training Set After Pipeline Transformations are Applied

Exploratory Data Analysis

Next, we load the sentiment analysis model we chose, which is the pre-trained sentiment analysis pipeline (Model 1) from Spark NLP that was trained on IMDB movie reviews. This model is used to transform the 10000 selected reviews to make predictions, and as expected, the vast majority of reviews are predicted as positive. Below are the distribution of predicted sentiments:

Airbnb Price Prediction - Distribution of Predicted Sentiments

Model Building and Results: Listing Price Prediction

Linear Regression

The first model used for price prediction was a Linear Regression model, which uses a straightforward approach of modeling the relationship between the target variable (the listing price) and the input features as a linear equation. This assumes a linear relationship between the features, which may be overly simplistic for our data. 

The left side of figure below highlights the performance metrics of our Linear Regression model without any hyperparameter tuning. The testing RMSE is higher than the training RMSE, suggesting some degree of overfitting or a less accurate model on unseen data. It is encouraging that the two values are not drastically different though. The R-squared value also attests to the overfitting and variance, as the testing R-squared being lower than the training R-squared indicates that the model may not generalize as well to unseen data.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Price Prediction Linear Regression Results

In an attempt to get a better model, cross-validation was used to tune the hyperparameters. The regularization parameter is used to control the strength of the regularization between 0 and 1,  where a larger value indicates a greater amount of regularization. The elastic net parameter is also a regularization parameter which combines the L1 (lasso regression) and L2 (ridge regression) regularization penalties. The maximum iterations is what sets the max number of iterations allowed to run the optimization algorithm, where a higher value will give the model a better chance of converging.

Airbnb Price Prediction - Price Prediction Linear Regression Model Hyperparameter Tuning

The best parameters for the linear regression model were found to be a regularization parameter of 0.1, an elastic net parameter of 0.7, and the maximum iteration set to 10.

Unfortunately, the hyperparameter tuning did not have the desired effect, as both the training and testing RMSE both slightly increased. It’s not always guaranteed that tuning will always lead to better results, especially if the original model is already performing reasonably well or when the effects of the hyperparameters are limited. Given that the changes in RMSE are slight, it’s possible that the original configuration of the linear regression model was already optimal. The default parameters in the original model were included in the parameter grid during tuning, so it is unknown why the best tuned model performed worse.

Decision Trees

Decision trees are models that recursively partition the features into segments creating a tree structure of decisions based on feature conditions. They can be prone to overfitting, so the hyperparameters are tuned to control the model complexity. The maxDepth sets the limit on how many layers deep the tree can be, where a deeper tree is a more complex model. The minInstancesPerNode sets the minimum number of data points required to create a node, and a higher value will reduce model complexity and overfitting. The minInfoGain specifies the minimum information gain required for a split in the tree to occur. A higher value will result in fewer splits and splits that are more informative for the model. The second screenshot below shows the Decision Tree performance metrics before (left) and after hyperparameter Tuning (right).

Airbnb Price Prediction - Price Prediction Decision Tree Hyperparameter TuningAirbnb Price Prediction - Price Prediction Decision Tree Results

After hyperparameter tuning was performed, the gap between the training and testing RMSE for the tuned Decision Tree model has decreased, which resulted from the training RMSE increasing by nearly 8 and the testing RMSE decreasing by nearly 2. There is now less overfitting than the untuned model.

The best parameters for the decision tree model was a max depth of 5, the minimum instances per node of 10, and the minimum info gain of 0.0.

Gradient Boosting

Gradient Boosting is an ensemble method that combines multiple, usually shallow, decision trees into a single model. The idea is that the weakness of one of the trees will be covered by other trees in the ensemble. The three main hyperparameters we tuned are the maximum depth, the number of trees (maxIter), and the learning rate (stepSize). The second screenshot below shows the gradient boosting performance metrics before (left) and after hyperparameter Tuning (right).

Airbnb Price Prediction - Price Prediction Gradient Boosting Hyperparameter TuningAirbnb Price Prediction - Price Prediction Gradient Boosting Results

After hyperparameter tuning was performed, the gap between the training and testing RMSE for the tuned Gradient Boosting model has decreased, which resulted from the training RMSE increasing by nearly 12 and the testing RMSE decreasing by nearly 2. There is now less overfitting than the untuned model.

The best parameters for the Gradient Boosting model was a max depth of 3, a max number of trees (maxIter) of 10, and a learning rate (stepSize) of 0.05.

Price Prediction Model Results
Airbnb Price Prediction - Price Prediction Model Results

Comparing the performance of the three regression models, it is clear that the tuned linear regression model has the best performance with a testing RMSE of 44.917. Although hyperparameter tuning actually made the performance of the linear regression model slightly worse, it was clear that this was the best model for price prediction because there was less overfitting compared to the other two models, even though the other two models saw improved performance after hypertuning.

Outcome and Takeaways

The goal of this project was to predict the prices of Airbnb locations in London, after performing sentiment analysis on customer reviews and using the average sentiment for a listing as a new feature for price prediction. The motivation was to explore the extent to which an overall sentiment for an Airbnb location impacted its rental pricing. Deriving the average predicted sentiment for a listing and using it as a feature did have a significant effect on the pricing, as the untuned and tuned Linear Regression models produced testing RMSEs of around 43-44, and the untuned and tuned Decision Tree and Gradient Boosting models produced RMSEs of around 50-53. This represents a considerable difference between the actual prices used and the predicted prices, and if someone were to pursue this project further, there should be an emphasis on allocating more time and resources to perform the computations necessary to handle more data. Using 500 manually labeled reviews to train the failed sentiment analysis models did not feel adequate enough for creating a proper sentiment analysis model, but unfortunately the time limitations and computational limitations of Google Colab made it necessary. 

In terms of the models used, we enjoyed getting the opportunity to use the Random Forest, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression models we learned in class to classify review sentiments. It was also interesting to collect feedback from our instructor and apply it to learn about and use pre-trained models from Spark NLP and incorporate them into our own data processing pipelines in a PySpark environment for big data problems. In hindsight, it was not surprising that the Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Logistic Regression models produced such poor results, as they are simpler models compared to the deep learning used in the pre-trained model and the SentimentDLApproach annotator, when it comes to learning intricate contexts in words and sentences. For the regression models used in price prediction, it was interesting that the Linear Regression model performed the best, and demonstrated the least amount of overfitting compared to the Decision Tree and Gradient Boosting models. Although hypertuning the hyperparameters of the Linear Regression model resulted in slightly worse performance and improved the the performance of the other two models, Linear Regression still stood as the best model for price prediction.

Possible Improvements Going Forward

Given more time, exploring the idea of using a Neural Network for price prediction would have been beneficial, as we feel the predicted prices would be more accurate. Overall, the process of collecting, inspecting and exploring the data and combining two different machine learning problems into one singular problem was a unique and enjoyable experience.

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